Please use the tabs at the top of this page to navigate the site. They will allow you to access pages filled with a wealth of Hampton Lake information, including updates from the Board of Directors, the Advisory Board and Advisory Committees, and the Architectural Review Board, as well as upcoming Hampton Lake news and events.

Rules and Regulations

To view Hampton Lake's community rules and regulations, please visit HL Rules & Regulations. You may also view Hampton Lake's community charter by visiting HL Community Charter & Bylaws, which includes supplements and amendments.

Member Directory

The Member Directory tab (second tab from the right) lists all Hampton Lake members.  To access your membership directory, please visit the Member Directory page. If you'd like to change or reset your member website password, please visit the Change Password Page.

Our members' privacy is important. Please refer to the My Directory Listing to see how you can manage your listing in the Hampton Lake directory.

New Member Packet

All new members receive a welcome packet of documents and information designed to familiarize you with Hampton Lake life. If you would like to review the information online, you will find it all at Information for New Members.

Community Maintenance

Members can report maintenance concerns to a staff member, manager or by email at [email protected]